Implementing a salaried portfolio innovation (SPIN) scheme for pharmacists in primary care networks in North East London
North East London Integrated Care System
This project aligns to the NHS People Plan, NHS Long Term Plan and HEE objectives to develop the pharmacy workforce as part of integrated care systems. It is also part of an over-arching objective in the draft NEL Integrated Pharmacy and Medicines Optimisation plan to develop our pharmacy workforce to meet the needs of our local population.
Project Aim
The project aims to support pharmacy professional development, integration across the ICS and improve recruitment and retention within primary care networks. We will offer cross-sector placements aligned to our clinical priorities and population health needs analysis.
The project will develop and test an employment model to find the most effective means to build a sustainable workforce
Project Objectives
The objectives of the programme are to:
Develop a sustainable cross-sector model
Improve recruitment and retention particularly in hard to recruit areas.
Support pharmacist career development
Enhance the patient experience through the pharmacist’s specialist knowledge and good working relationships with other healthcare professionals
Based on experience with the Barking, Havering and Redbridge (BHR) GP model, we expect a number of benefits for the individual pharmacist, the pharmacy profession as a learning culture is developed, the wider healthcare system and patients.
Helps practices and host organisations to benefit from increased capacity and specialist knowledge.
Offers support for early years pharmacists
Encourages integrated system working and collaboration between partners
Provides professional support and clinical leadership to pharmacists in the early years of their career
We will produce an employment model to support an integrated pharmacy workforce and a suite of resources which can be shared with others.

Project Team
Ceri Jacob
North East London ICS
Accountable Officer
Moira Coughlan
North East London ICS
Project Lead