Advancing Pharmacy Practice
Beyond post registration early career years, pharmacists may choose to continue to develop their knowledge, skills, and competence to evolve their scope of practice.
The Multi-professional Framework for Advanced Clinical Practice in England outlines the core capabilities for health and care professionals working at an advanced level of practice regardless of their setting, subject area, and job role. Linked to this, the Royal Pharmaceutical Society Core Advanced Pharmacist Curriculum describes the entry level standards for advanced pharmacists working in patient facing roles.
Whilst developing as an advanced level practitioner, colleagues may choose to undertake formal postgraduate training courses such as an Advanced Practice MSc, Advanced Pharmacy Practice qualification or similar, typically in addition to Independent Prescribing.

The Centre for Advanced Practice
The Centre for Advanced Practice website contains information relating to funding available for Advanced Practice Qualifications and is available through the link below. There is a London Regional Faculty for Advancing Practice which also provides information on advanced practice training, events and advice, and the link to the website is below.
If you have questions regarding advanced practice training and offers available, you can contact the NHS England WT&E London Regional Faculty for Advancing Practice team by email
To receive email updates from the Advanced Practice Faculty about their work and upcoming regional events, sign up to the Advanced Practice mailing list or through the London region faculty website link below.
NHS England WT&E Advanced Practice Community of Practice
Are you interested in developing your advanced practice networks?
NHS England have developed a community of practice for advanced practitioners available through NHS Futures Platform. Further information about this is available on the London Faculty for Advancing Practice website below.
For information relating to funded Independent Prescribing programmes nationally, see Independent Prescribing website below.
Advanced Practice Webinar
The Advanced Practice Webinar was hosted by Pharmacy London and the London Region Faculty for Advancing Practice in January 2024.
The webinar focus was on Advanced Clinical Practitioner (ACP) training opportunities available for pharmacists. The aims of the webinar were to increase awareness of funded ACP training opportunities for pharmacists, provide a better understanding of the commitment required by both learners and employers, and to promote the benefits of completing advanced practitioner training for organisations as well as professional development.
The webinar included an overview of the training offer from the London Faculty and a university course provider, as well as case studies of the experience of ACP training from the perspectives of a learner and ACP pharmacists working in primary and secondary care sectors.