Dental Factsheets for Healthcare Practitioners
Dental symptoms are one of the most common symptom groups for callers to NHS 111, particularly at weekends. Many patients visiting emergency departments could be managed by other services including community pharmacies.
The HEE Dental and Pharmacy teams across LaSE have therefore collaborated to produce a series of dental factsheets for community pharmacy. The factsheets are intended to support and refresh knowledge and be used as a learning aid by all patient-facing staff in pharmacy when dealing with common dental presentations, helping community pharmacy teams to manage urgent dental and oral symptoms and to signpost patients to other services where indicated.
The factsheets can be viewed online or downloaded either individually or as a complete set and printed out for your staff to use.
We would be very interested to hear how these factsheets have been used and whether you have found them to be worthwhile.
Your views will help inform us as we seek to produce further relevant content. To help you gather data, you may wish to use the tally chart found by clicking the button below prior to completing the brief online evaluation below.
You can either download the full set of factsheets or each one individually below. Please remember to give us feedback via the evaluation above on how useful you found them.