Kent and Medway ICS Designated Prescribing Practitioner Education and Supervision Project

NHS Kent and Medway ICB


Kent and Medway (KM) have identified the need to transform pharmacy workforce through partnership working and learning to tackle a range of challenges to improve health and care for people in our communities.

Using a system, place and neighbourhood focus in alignment to the KM ICS vision, purpose and strategic priorities, this project will support:


Development of prescribers to increase workforce in specialist areas.


Increasing equity and access for people in KM to support the NHS National Long Term Plan e.g., taking polypharmacy, de-prescribe and STOMP/STAMP.


Access to clinicians able to undertake structured medication reviews at their first point of contact thereby empowering people to manage their health.


Increased multi-professional team working, maximising efficient use of resources.


Developing clinicians to work appropriately, holistically and safely, improving quality and sustainability of care.


Increased job satisfaction as people are developed and equipped to fulfil their role.

Project Aims

The primary aim of this project is to develop a Kent and Medway (KM) Integrated Care System (ICS) approach to support the Designated Prescribing Practitioners (DPP) Education and Supervision Framework.

Embracing the Kent and Medway ICS vision “We will work together to make health and wellbeing better than any partner can do alone”, the project will use the principles of co-creation to engage all relevant stakeholder as assets, understanding diverse perspectives, participate and be involved at all points of the project development, increasing ownership of outputs by all.

Project Objectives

The key objective of this project is to develop a Kent and Medway ICS System approach to the development of DPPs to:


Build clinical leadership in pharmacy and multi-professional practice through a DPP Education and Supervision Framework.


Raise awareness and profile of this group of staff as pharmacy/multi-professional clinical practitioners and the advanced roles they can undertake.


Champion and normalise the role of DPP for all those able to prescribe.


Build a continuous supply of appropriately developed DPPs that provide support, supervision and learning opportunities across the system.


Use a place-based learning approach.


Have multi-professional understanding and awareness.


Understand the different contexts in which people prescribe.


Develop reciprocal place-based learning approaches to ensure a supply of DPPs to all organisations regardless of their own DPP numbers, therefore sharing resources and translating learning and knowledge across a place.


Match the right DPP with the right learner.

Expected Outputs

The expected outputs will include:


Relieving system/organisational pressures for training and support succession planning for imminently retiring workforce.


Support integration and interface working and continuous place-based learning (developing and improving across the place and translation of knowledge across the system).


Improve workforce retention and recruitment supporting a more sustainable future for the KM ICS.


Potential to develop systems oversight, governance, support, and pool resources across the system.


Ability to match individuals with the most appropriate DPP with the right knowledge and experience.


Developing a framework of what a Kent and Medway DPP might look like with agreed minimum expectations.


A hub and spoke approach to learning and development.


Creating reciprocal arrangements for learning developing and improving across a place.

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Project Team


Kate Langford

Nirusha Govender

Priscilla Kankam

Mildred Johnson


Kent & Medway ICB.

Kent & Medway ICB

Kent & Medway ICB

Kent & Medway ICB


Accountable Officer

Project Lead

Project Team

Project Team