Transforming The Pharmacy Workforce In North East London

North East London ICS


The NHS Long Term Work Plan urges Integrated Care Boards (ICBs) and wider system partners to prioritise actions that drive recruitment and retention of their ‘one workforce’ across health and care to make the local area a better place to live and work, as well as setting out priorities for workforce action in their five-year joint forward plans.

The NEL ICS Pharmacy workforce transformation group has been established to enable partnership working and system wide collaboration. The group’s priorities have been aligned to workstreams, with nominated leads and agreed outcomes, to enable realistic achievement in each area.

Project Aims

To upskill the Pharmacy Technician workforce to build confidence and competence in a broader range of areas which including patient facing activities such as long term condition management as well as the ability to champion patient safety in primary care.

As there are considerable interdependencies in workforces, the Programme Delivery Lead will work across all workstream groups. This will strengthen the pharmacy workforce transformation work to improve recruitment, retention and education and training of the pharmacy workforce in NEL ICS including widening participation and access.

Project Objectives

The transformation work has defined key objectives which encompasses the following themes:


Multisector collaboration for placements- for qualified staff and those in training.


Model for Designated Prescribing Practitioners (DPPs) in NEL ICS.


Training Needs Analysis in different sectors of the pharmacy workforce across NEL.


Recruitment now and pipeline; promoting pharmacy as a career in NEL.

Expected Outputs

To have oversight of and deliver the expected outputs from the 4 workstreams whilst promoting collaborative working across the system and wider entities in line with national, regional and local priorities for workforce development and transformation.

Build a secure network of stakeholders to enable sharing of good practice and intelligence on workforce development and training within NEL.

Support the integration of primary care to improve the access, experience and outcomes for our communities.

A project report.

Project Team


Dr. Raliat Onatade

Andrea Okoloekwe

Shammi Khatun

Simmy Daniel

Nola Asare


North East London ICB

East London Foundation Trust

Barts Health NHS Trust

North East London ICS

North East London ICS



Senior Responsible Officer

Deputy Senior Responsible Officer

Project Manager

Project Manager