One Pharmacy Workforce Transformation: Collective Leadership and Prescribing Integration In South East London
Lewisham and Greenwich Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, South East London ICB, in partnership with King’s Health Partners
The South East London Integrated Care System (SELICS) One Pharmacy Workforce Model (OPWM) aims to unify and optimise the pharmacy workforce across health and care sectors. Initially supported by HEE workforce transformation funding, OPWM focuses on collective, evidence-based leadership and workforce governance to address challenges in attracting, developing, and retaining pharmacy professionals. In parallel, the Prescribing Integration Project (PIP) expands prescribing training and supervision within community pharmacies. Together, these projects align with the NHS Long Term Plan, enhancing multidisciplinary collaboration, expanding community-based care roles, and supporting sustainable pharmacy careers to address current and future workforce needs across the sector.
Project Aims
The project aims to implement and evaluate models for collective workforce leadership through a top down and bottom-up approach in alignment with the SEL OPWM. It aims to establish a workforce leadership group that is guided by a pharmacy network using a ‘shadow board’ approach comprised of pharmacist and pharmacy technician staff from all sectors and levels. Additionally, the project aims to implement recommendations from the 2023/2024 Prescribing Integration Project (PIP) pilot evaluation, refining training and supervision models across the system. It will co-create and test innovative models for developing transferable prescribing skills tailored to community pharmacy services.
Project Objectives
Implementing the One Pharmacy Workforce Model (OPWM):
Map current system leadership infrastructure by May 2024.
Test and learn pilot for a workforce transformation network by May 2024.
Develop an agreed SELICs model for pharmacy collective workforce leadership by June 2024.
Develop CWL group ToR and convene the group by June 2024.
Evaluate the workforce transformation ‘network’ by October 2024.
Complete evaluation of the OPWM implementation by May 2025.
Milestones Prescribing Integration Project:
Form community pharmacy prescribing integration working group by Feb 2024
Recruit community pharmacy TP DPP pairs by May 2024.
Review and implement suggestions to DPP training and models of supervision from the 2023/24 evaluation by May 2024.
Develop model for community pharmacy prescribing training by June 2024.
Develop community pharmacy DPP training package by August 2024.
Develop community pharmacy DPP training by September 2024.
Run community pharmacy pilot November 24 to end of Jan 2025.
Complete evaluation by May 2025.
Expected outputs
Implementing the One Pharmacy Workforce Model:
Pharmacy ‘network’ evaluation.
One pharmacy workforce implementation evaluation
Prescribing Integration Project:
Community pharmacy prescribing training workbook.
Project evaluation.
Project Team
Vanessa Burgess
Kai-loke Chan
Rachel Knight
William Swain
Annabel Healey
South East London ICB
King’s Health Partners
Lewisham and Greenwich Hospitals NHS FT
Lewisham and Greenwich Hospitals NHS FT
South East London ICS
Senior Responsible Officer
Project Lead
Project Lead
Project Manager
Project Manager