Programme Details

Course Aims and Structure

This course has been designed and mapped against the Skills for Health National Occupational Standards PHARM31.2016 Confirmed the suitability of an individual's medicines for use and ensure sufficient supply and PHARM33.2016 Order medicines and products for individuals. This course consists of two modules. Which module a candidate undertakes will be determined by their job role.

Training will include  work based shadowing, in-house training, an e-learning programme, observations of professional practice, appraisal and self-reflection. Assessment of competence will be through on-line summative assessment. Work based evidence will include witnessed tasks, summative appraisal and sign-off by an Educational Supervisor (ES).

The maximum amount of time a candidate has to complete is 12 months from the course start date. There is no minimum time requirement. 

Target Audience and Entry Criteria

We will accept applications from any pharmacy assistant, pre-registration trainee pharmacy technician or pharmacy technician, depending on their job role and supported by their Trust. It is the employers responsibility that the role is covered by vicarious liability.   It is strongly recommended that employers and candidates ensure that they will be able to undertake the activities to the level expected before applying.

Entry Criteria

  • The need for this course must be identified through service need supported by personal development plans, have practice base support and a Learning Agreement signed by all parties – the Candidate, the ES and the Line Manager/Chief Pharmacist.
  • Applicants must have undergone a full induction to the clinical ward environment.
  • Applicants must be practising in a department which has agreed local standard operating procedures. These must be in place and up to date. Applicants must take personal responsibility to ensure that they are up to date with local policies and procedures and are working to them at all times.
  • Applicants must be assigned an Educational Supervisor and confirm who this is on the on-line application form.
  • Applicants have a clearly defined scope of practice in relation to their medicines optimisation – POD Assessment and Transcribing for Supply role.

Learning Outcomes

Module 1. Patient's Own Drugs (POD) Assessment

  • Communicate effectively within the medicines optimisation – POD Assessment role
  • Obtain patient consent and take appropriate action if consent is not given
  • Maintain patient confidentiality
  • Confirm the suitability of an individual’s medicines for use
  • Identify discrepancies in medicines against prescribed items and deal with any problems appropriately
  • Identify risks and deal with any problems

Module 2. Patient's Own Drugs (POD) Assessment and Transcribing for Supply

  • Communicate effectively within the medicines optimisation – POD Assessments and Transcribing for Supply role
  • Obtain patient consent and take appropriate action if consent is not given
  • Maintain patient confidentiality
  • Confirm the suitability of an individual’s medicines for use
  • Identify discrepancies in medicines against prescribed items and deal with any problems appropriately
  • Review an individual’s medication record and assess the individual’s current supply
  • Transcribe a medication order with instructions for labelling so that the medicines can be dispensed for the individual
  • Identify risks and deal with any problems

Both modules will support the development of underpinning skills, specifically

  • Communication
  • Interpersonal skills
  • Time management
  • Problem solving
  • Provision of relevant medicines related information
  • Accurate transcription record keeping
  • Awareness of own limitations and scope of role

Workplace Educational Support

The role of the Educational Supervisor (ES) is to ensure that candidates undertaking the course have the appropriate training utilising in-house materials. The ES is responsible for supporting the candidate through the course. 

There is no formal training to be an ES for this course, the course handbook provides all the details to build on materials and infrastructure already in place. 

An ES must have the following requirements.

  • The role must be included in their job description
  • They must have the capacity to carry out the role effectively and in a timely manner
  • They must have the autonomy to deal with issues and concerns
  • They must have previous experience of POD Assessment and Transcribing for Supply and current knowledge and understanding of the role

An ES can be anyone who carries out the final sign-off of candidates and must be competent and have the responsibility to do so. Please note that each time a candidate applies, the ES will also receive a copy of the course handbook. 

Registration as an Educational Supervisor does not normally need to be reviewed. However, if concerns are identified through sampling a candidate’s evidence of competence, registration will be reviewed and further training may be required.